Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advice to Baruch College

One of the benefits that we have now a days is that we can be connected to each other without actually being there, thanks to new innovations and technology. What Baruch could do to use it to its fullest is probably using these networks and tools more often. For example, Baruch has a facebook page that they use, which indeed does help for announcements and such but it's not used to its fullest. We can also use facebook to have discussions with classes; this in turn may actually help with the students who are too shy to speak up in the actual class and actively participate. We also have another problem when it comes to promoting or advertising that Baruch is part of facebook, cause actually knows about it. If more people knew about it I'm sure that the school students would be more informed about the activities going on in school.
Somethings else Baruch can do, concerning the online courses is possible make some of them with web casting. Doing this is a great way to have class without actually being in class which is one of the sole purposes of the class. Its a nice way to get the lecture without mixing up the meanings or interpretation, which may happen with just youtube videos or reading the lectures. Overall, Baruch has learned to utilize some of the new technology up and coming which helps the students as well as the faculty stay updated and tuned in.

1 comment:

  1. Webcasting will be a great addition to online courses. It will help to link the content of traditional and online courses. I have found a few webcasts from Baruch on iTunes U, and they were very helpful.
