Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogs Vs. Wikis

When looking at blogs and wikis you can safety assume there are vast differences and similarities, for one they are both 2.0 web technology which allows you to interact with people, rate or comment without directly being there. However, blogs and wikis are also very different. Blogs are mostly more opinionated or can be used as a type of journalism. While wikis are almost like a page that just gives out information through other sources or users.

Blogs can be a way of simply expressing yourself, whether that be personal or professional, its a way of saying things on your mind without getting condemned. In an article found on "Through blogs, people are able to write about topics that interest them and comment freely on what is going on in their lives and in the world around them." Though blogs are used by some as almost a personal diary that everyone can read, it also is used on a more professional level with newspapers and companies expressing their thoughts or opinionated information. Blogs are often used as a collaboration by posting a question or opinion and then followed by many others questioning, challenging and just overall posting a discussion where everyone pitches in order to make the blog a discussion board.

Wikis on the other hand is information shared by everyone. In an article on  "the simplest online database that could possibly work." It can be operated by anyone and everyone to put together information in one place. Different from a blog is that wikis are mostly used as a source of information and is not usually a place for discussion. It can be changed and updated by almost anyone and though not always true since it is updated by people like me and you it is more often useful in looking up information. A new use for wikis can also be used as making group projects for school by just putting in the data and then having the students add in their own data to complete it.

The emergence of these two web products have been huge on the community as it has been some of the most popular known things to do on the web. By creating blogging people have a new way to create discussion boards and communicate as well as expressing themselves. Wiki helps make search for information a breeze when everyone pitches in to put their own input on what they know about the contents in the database.

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